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Star trek shipyards : the Borg and the Delta Quadrant vol. 1 Akritirian to Krenim

ISBN: 9781835412114
Format: Hardback
Publisher: Titan Books (ADS)
Origin: GB
Release Date: March, 2025

Book Details

Featuring ships of the Borg and vessels of the Delta Quadrant, the first of two companion volumes of ships from Star Trek: Voyager. This volume begins with the ships operated by Star Trek’s greatest villains: the Borg, including the Borg Cube and Sphere, the Borg Queen’s Ship, the Renegade Borg Vessel and the Borg Tactical Cube. From there, it profiles more than thirty-five ships operated by the species Voyager encountered in the Delta Quadrant, featuring ships from Akritirian to Krenim. With technical overviews and operational histories, the ships are illustrated with CG artwork including original VFX models made for the show. The vessels include warships, fighters, transports, hospital ships, patrol ships, racing ships, and shuttles. Each ship is illustrated with CG artwork, including original VFX models made for the TV show, and is presented with its technical data and operational history. A size chart showing Borg ships to scale is included, and an appendix of listings for each ship’s debut appearance, and of other appearances throughout the Star Trek series.