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Keep it smooth : life lessons in confidence

ISBN: 9780645869088
Format: Paperback
Publisher: Pantera Press (UBD)
Origin: AU
Release Date: October, 2024

Book Details

Cameron Daddo is curious about confidence. In this book, he weaves together stories from his own life with those of extraordinary Australians to show us how we nurture it, how we lose it and how we can get it back again. Those who know Cameron Daddo from his career in the Australian entertainment scene might be surprised to learn that he grew up lacking confidence. He was a stutterer as a young kid, then a restless student and uni dropout, before unwittingly building a life in the entertainment industry. He’s learned valuable lessons along the way, some very publicly: the rejections, the victories and everything in between. Despite decades of public success, Daddo still wrestles with confidence. In this book, he will tackle the beast head-on & demonstrate lessons learnt firsthand about expectations, dashed hopes and dreams, and how we can all rally when we feel we have nothing left to give. By telling of public and private crises of confidence from his own life, alongside those of a range of extraordinary Australians, including Keith Urban and Marcia Hines, Michael O’Loughlin and Ian Baker-Finch, Indira Naidoo and Alyssa Healy, Daddo reveals how confidence is demanded of people in a range of high-performance fields and how we can apply lessons from these experiences in our own lives. Curious is both a rousing call and a practical guide for people to find confidence from within.