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Women are angry : why your rage is hiding and how to let it out

ISBN: 9781785120930
Format: Hardback
Publisher: Lagom (UBD)
Origin: GB
Release Date: October, 2024

Book Details

A psychotherapist lifts the lid on how women have been conditioned to repress anger, the impact this has on their physical and mental health and what they can do about it. Our chronic ill health is evidence that history has not emancipated us. Women still cannot recognise or permit their own rage. Micro and macro injustices are woven through our personal narratives, and we wear their imprint on our bodies and minds. This book is an urgent call to arms to identify these feelings and channel them for good. Before they destroy us. What if you aren’t depressed? What if you don’t have chronic fatigue? What if you are just… angry? What if a lifetime of being told to repress anger, hide it away and fear it, has shown up in your body in a myriad of ways you can’t control? As a woman, when was the last time you were allowed to be truly angry? Have you ever? The answer to this, argues Jennifer Cox, is never. Women are never allowed to really express their anger, and it is making us all mad. From toddlerdom when girls are conditioned to be ‘good’ and not make a fuss, to the sandwich years of midlife when the burden of myriad responsibilities is overwhelming, women’s anger is hidden, repressed and toxic. This book will show you where it is hiding and how to let it out.