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Frequency : the power of personal vibration

ISBN: 9781582702155
Format: Paperback
Publisher: Atria Books/Beyond Words (HEDS)
Origin: US
Release Date: October, 2024

Book Details

Everything and everyone are vibrating! Penney Peirce, a leading pioneer in the field of intuition and transformation, helps you master the dynamics of energy, personal vibration, and our increasing hypersensitivity in this award-winning second book in the outstanding Transformation series–with an inspiring foreword from Reverend Michael Beckwith. Because we see the world from a physical perspective, we often don’t notice that our bodies, emotions, thoughts, and spirits are all made of energy. In fact, each of us has a personal vibration that accurately communicates who we are to the world and helps shape our reality. Frequency shows you how to feel your own personal vibration, improve it, and use it to shift your life from ordinary to extraordinary. A simple change in frequency can turn depression to peace, anger to stillness, and fear to enthusiasm. Weaving together ideas from quantum physics with proven intuition development techniques, Frequency helps clear negative energy, develop conscious sensitivity, and center into your “home frequency” that facilitates clarity and compassion. Providing a reassuring, step-by-step roadmap into the positive state of awareness in what Peirce calls the Intuition Age, Frequency can help you to improve relationships, find upscale solutions to problems, and materialize a high-frequency life that contains everything you want and need to live your destiny.