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Resilience at work : strategies for increasing confidence, performance and wellbeing

ISBN: 9781803884196
Format: Paperback
Publisher: Pavilion Publishing And Media Ltd
Origin: GB
Release Date: November, 2024

Book Details

Our working lives are full of challenges. Some we generate ourselves, such as wanting a new job, and others are externally generated, such as being the victim of workplace bullying. Both sorts of situations require resilience to manage them effectively. Yet natural levels of resilience vary significantly. How one person responds to redundancy, for example, may differ greatly from someone else, as they are two individuals bringing variable experiences and expectations to the situation. Adopting a cognitive behavioural approach to moving beyond learned helplessness, and drawing on mindful awareness of thoughts, feelings and behaviours, Resilience at Work draws on plentiful case studies, self-assessment exercises and a journaling approach to improve skills and performance in areas such as confidence, communication, managing change and nurturing self-esteem.