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Forgive everyone for everything

ISBN: 9781401997809
Format: Paperback
Publisher: Hay House
Origin: US
Release Date: May, 2025

Book Details

Iyanla Vanzant’s classic book on forgiveness gets a modern update. Take back your power, heal toxic relationships, and harness the energy of your thoughts. Too many of us feel stuck, trapped in relationships, and weighed down by past trauma. We might be quick to judge and slow to pardon, and self-righteous about our feelings as we dwell on memories of what we or others did (or failed to do). With this book, New York Times best-selling author and spiritual leader Iyanla Vanzant challenges us to embrace the new power of forgiveness. With Iyanla’s 21-Day Forgiveness Plan, you’ll explore relationship dynamics with your parents, children, friends, partners, yourself, and even God. Through journaling work and Emotional Freedom Techniques (also known as “tapping”), you’ll learn to see yourself, your life, your every experience, and every person in your life from a different perspective. The free audio download that accompanies this book contains personal guidance from Iyanla on the Forgiveness Process, supportive meditations, and 18 daily prayers. Whatever challenges you face, forgiveness is the key to change. Forgiveness doesn’t mean agreeing with, condoning, or even liking what has happened. It means letting go and knowing that everything is just as it needs to be in order for you to grow and learn. Releasing the past restores you to the full energy of the present moment so that you can live with more love, gain clarity on your life’s lessons and blessings, and discover a new level of personal freedom, peace, and well-being. If you are ready to stop feeling bad, stop being wounded, and stop giving yourself reasons and excuses to be, do, and have less than you desire. It’s time to forgive everyone for everything! Forgive Everyone for Everything is a revised edition of Forgiveness- 21 Days to Forgive Everyone for Everything (9781401952044).