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The return of the dwarves

ISBN: 9781529424898
Format: Paperback
Publisher: Arcadia Books (ADS)
Origin: GB
Release Date: October, 2024

Book Details

The hero Tungdil Goldhand vanished years ago. Until the gem-carver Goimron discovers Tungdil’s diary and finds that the last entries are terrifyingly recent. Goimron gathers a small band of trusted companions, and they set off to find Tungdil and save Girdlegard from the mysterious Albae. But the story’s only half-over. Brabandor’s on the trail of something extraordinary; Rodana is trying to change her fate, and Klaey remains an unknown quantity: his lust for power is unparalleled, and he’ll do anything to get it. And the most worrying question of all, will their quest, change Goimron himself?