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The quest for cush

ISBN: 9781399622349
Format: Paperback
Publisher: Gollancz (ADS)
Origin: GB
Release Date: June, 2025

Book Details

Treachery, betrayal, defeat. Betrayed by the bandit-tribes he led, Imaro once again finds himself searching for answers and revenge. On the trail of his kidnapped lover, he finds a new ally who could be the key to Imaro’s past. Joining with Pomphis, Imaro and Tanisha head to the ruined City of Madness. There, they hope to find the truth behind the sorcerous forces that destroyed Imaro’s youth and set his life on its current path. They must face assassins, monsters, and deadly creatures from the sea, but they won’t be stopped until they have the answers: Who is Imaro? Why was he cursed from birth? What is his destiny? The sequel to sword and soul epic, Imaro, Charles R. Saunders brings us back to the rich, sprawling world of Nyumbani. Genre-defining, expansive and bold, this is a must-read for fantasy fans.