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Deck the hall : the stories of our favourite christmas carols

ISBN: 9781399807517
Format: Paperback
Publisher: Niv (ADS)
Origin: GB
Release Date: October, 2024

Book Details

‘Christmas carols are sung in church, therefore Christmas carols have always been sung in church. Christmas carols have these words and this tune, therefore Christmas carols have always had these words and this tune. Well, not really. Our carol tradition, like us, is a rich and dynamic mixture. An ecosystem, not a still life.’ Written with effervescent charm and professional knowledge, composer and conductor Andrew Gant reveals the fascinating musical and social history behind our favourite Christmas carols. From the Annunciation to Epiphany, the episodes of the Christmas story link the tales and anecdotes behind twenty-seven carols from a variety of traditions and places of origin: those that come from folk song; those we owe to Victorian moralists, and those that are, in fact, French. As Andrew says, ‘Some carols were born to Christmas, some have achieved Christmas, and some have had Christmas thrust upon them.’ This wonderful, rich musical treat gives us a unique insight into our Yuletide traditions and customs. A delightful gift for anyone who loves to sing, or who just loves Christmas trivia, this is the ideal companion with which to while away those lazy days between Christmas and New Year.