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Sluts : the truth about slutshaming and what we can do to fight it

ISBN: 9780241675236
Format: Hardback
Publisher: Penguin (General Uk) (UBD)
Origin: GB
Release Date: July, 2024

Book Details

From award-winning journalist Beth Ashley comes a ground-breaking investigation into the history of slut-shaming, how it continues to affect us today and what we can do to fight it. Whore. Hoe. Jezebel. Harlot. Slut. Five words. One meaning. But what exactly is a slut? How has the concept changed over time? And why is slut-shaming so dangerous? In this groundbreaking investigation, Beth Ashley reveals the truth about slut-shaming, gives us the tools to fight it, and encourages us all to have better conversations about sex. The fight starts now.