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The history trees: extraordinary tales of trees through time

ISBN: 9780008622411
Format: Hardback
Publisher: Pavilion
Origin: GB
Release Date: February, 2025

Book Details

The History Trees is the ultimate photographic collection of the most historic trees on the planet. Uncover remarkable trees from around the world, many of which have borne witness to key moments in history or reached a scale and age that have allowed them to become history themselves. First meet ‘Methuselah’, a bristlecone pine in the White Mountains of New Hampshire, believed to be 4,900 years old. Learn about other trees which have inspired great events, such as the Isaac Newton apple tree in Woolhope, Lincolnshire, where the scientist observed the famous apple falling from a tree (which still stands in the family garden). Other flora has withstood historic events such as in Japan, where the Hibaku jumoku still grows as a survivor tree from the Hiroshima bombing or the 9/11 Survivor Tree in New York City. Many trees continue to inspire our world today including the long avenue of beech trees in Northern Ireland known as the Dark Hedges which Game of Thrones fans will instantly recognise as the road to Kings Landing, the Robin Hood’s oak in the Sherwood Forest or the J. R. R. Tolkien trees in Avebury, which inspired the Ents in The Lord of the Rings. Rest a while beside the oldest trunks and witness the enthralling stories nestled within the branches of these gentle giants.