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Artists as writers

ISBN: 9781835950913
Format: Paperback
Publisher: *Intellect Ltd
Origin: GB
Release Date: February, 2025

Book Details

A masterclass on living as a writer and developing your writing craft. Part of the Living and Sustaining a Creative Life series, Artists as Writers joins the tradition of books designed or intended to inspire would-be writers to write. Yet, it distinguishes itself by offering succinct first-person narratives by writers of varied genres about the day-to-day life of writing for a living. Artists as Writers offers accounts of the journeys that thirty-three writers have taken, including what decisions were made; which paths were taken, rejected, and charted; and why. It answers the question: What magic keeps a writer writing? Writers from Ethiopia, Guatemala, Nigeria, Palestine, Poland, and Sweden, as well as several American artists, contribute their stories. They each provide vividly detailed accounts of the circuitous roads that each individual took to earn the title “writer.” These are richly descriptive stories from writers who write consistently, relating how they came to the writing life, who helped them get there, and what sustains them as writers.