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War in Europe

ISBN: 9781739353797
Format: Paperback
Publisher: Irish Pages Press (ADS)
Origin: GB
Release Date: July, 2024

Book Details

‘War in Europe ‘ is an essential issue from Irish Pages, the islandas leading literary journal. The prime focus is the war in Ukraine, guest edited by the highly distinguished Ukrainian-American novelist Askold Melnyczuk. Much Ukrainian writing (from both inside and outside the country) has been assembled. A great deal of translation is involved, including by distinguished poets and translators whose first language is English. All involved view this issue as an ‘urgent ethical project’. ‘ War in Europe ‘ is not of course limited to the current war in Ukraine. There will also be small relevant amounts of writing about the violent twentieth-century history of Ireland (including the Troubles) and of the Balkans, as well as the on Second World War. As with every issue, there will also be a ‘Portfolio’ of images a this time, of course, exclusively on the war in Ukraine.