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Team Skippy

ISBN: 9780994601063
Format: Paperback
Publisher: Clancy Tucker
Origin: AU
Release Date: June, 2024

Book Details

Sam Tyler wins her first case as a criminal barrister and a Thai lawyer, Dao, invites her to be a guest speaker in Bangkok. Returning home, Sam learns that a colleague, Lindy, is sacked for being a lesbian. Sam and barrister, Dan Valenti, resign in disgust, Sam establishes her own law firm and asks Dan and Lindy to join her. Sam and Mick get engaged and Mick’s a hero for rescuing a family from a bushfire, but a sudden death sends Sam into meltdown. Invited to Thailand to heal, Sam bonds with eight Thai kids she calls ‘Team Skippy’, teaches them to swim, and saves eight-year-old Ploy from drowning. Although non-verbal, Ploy is a brilliant artist and highly intelligent. Sam is captivated by her and Ploy finds her voice after Sam saves her from a fire. Arresting a man for abducting a homeless girl, Sam exposes a global paedophile and child-trafficking ring and she’s offered a reward, but Sam wants the money spent on a safe house for homeless kids. A wealthy Thai woman, Kitty, donates a home to Sam’s cause for homeless kids and Sam learns that her late father lent Kitty money whilst on R&R in the 1970’s. After helping Dao in a Thai court, Sam heads home, but receives stunning news about Kitty as she boards her flight. What is Kitty’s stunning news? What was the connection between Sam’s father and Kitty? Why does Ploy captivate Sam?