You deserve to be rich. You deserve to make a purchase without fear that your check might bounce. You deserve to go on vacation. You deserve to care for loved ones without worrying about bills. You deserve to live the way you want, without reservations or fear. You deserve freedom–financial freedom. If you agree, you’ve come to the right place. We grew up in New York playing basketball together. As kids, both of us were fascinated by finance, curious about the stock market and how money moves among systems and pockets. But we began to notice that–for people in our community–hard work wasn’t enough. The system wasn’t set up to help people like us turn our hustle into lasting wealth. We started Earn Your Leisure to change that. We never could have imagined the response. Soon our little podcast started to feel more like a financial revolution. But a podcast can do only so much. This book is our answer to the thousands upon thousands of people who have asked us for a detailed blueprint.