In the last century, technology has transformed the human experience across the world. This has been super-charged by the arrival of the internet, smart phones, AI and machine learning, and created trillion-plus dollar companies and household names like Apple, Amazon, Google and Microsoft. Our Future is Biotech explains why biotech is next: because our biggest remaining challenges as a species concern biological systems. Biotech companies will solve our most intractable problems, from cancer, dementia, obesity and diabetes to elderly care, mental health conditions, and even clean power generation, agricultural production & environmental degradation. Biotech means that we can all live better, safer, healthier, wealthier, happier, and longer lives. The industry has already delivered “miracle cures” for several diseases, and there is more to come. But despite this, few people are aware of the phenomenal progress being made. Our Future is Biotech addresses this, explaining what biotech is, what is coming next, and how you might profit from it too. Tech has been the most important theme for human progress for the last century. Biotech is next.